Map and site information

The Krasiczyn Castle is one of the most beautiful treasures 

of Renaissance and Mannerist architecture in Europe. It was built during the late 16th and early 17th centuries by Stanisław Krasicki and his son Marcin. Two curtain walls of the castle are adorned with exquisite openwork attic decorations. In the corners,

there are four round towers – Divine, Papal, Royal, and Noble. 

Their names symbolize the hierarchy of the world approved 

by the founders, encompassing the earthly and the eternal. 

From the castle’s courtyard, surrounded by arcaded cloisters, 

you can admire exceptionally rare and beautiful sgraffito decorations depicting biblical scenes and medallions with the busts of emperors, portraits of Polish kings, and hunting scenes. Historic Przemyśl is only 10 km away, and the expansive panorama of the Przemyśl Foothills encourages hiking, cycling, 

or horseback excursions.
